Ayon Audio CD-5s The Absolute Sound Editors Choice Award 2011


Ayon Audio CD-5s The Absolute Sound Editors Choice Award 2011

Ayon CD-5s w

This is a new-category product that combines a linestage, a transport, and a
multiple-input, high-res DAC in a beautiful case. The sound is the most “analog-like”
digital you may ever hear. Its 192kHz/24-bit, upsampling-switchable DAC reproduces
instruments with extraordinary realism and astonishing air and space. Red Book
becomes vinyl through this amazing machine. The best part is you can input multiple
digital high resolution sources (including USB), with two analog inputs obviating the
need for a linestage. Reviewed by PB in this issue. The very best!

The Absolute Sound Editors Choice Award 2011                                     Ayon-Bugatti-of-Audio_TAS-cover-2011