Ayon Stratos – Haute Fidelite No.2
France July, 2013
July 2013, France
Some review quotes: English Translation
“The Stratos DAC/preamp is among Ayon’s latest designs.
As is now the norm for Ayon the layout brings together tubes and state-of-the-art conversion circuits. It results in one of the most remarkable sound reproductions ever met in a DAC so far.
The Ayon graces us with rich and powerful bass… the percussions in the introduction to Moonlight on Spring River by Zhao Cong explore very low frequencies with formidable articulation.
The tonal rendering is such that you feel as if you were with the artists ; on Ha Vinto Amor Sung by Simone Kermes, the soprano is taking shape before your eyes… you can hear every modulation in her voice and intakes of breath.
The Stratos feels at ease on any transient… like the timpani in Shostakovich’s Eleventh symphony. On It’s Alright with Me by Harry Connick Junior, the singer and musicians have never been placed so clearly in the soundstage.
Ayon’s Stratos DAC is amongst the best converter we have ever tested in this magazine at any price. The Stratos has allured us by its extremely delightful sumptuously transparent and intensely realistic musical rendering,
an investment for music lovers.”
Entire article can be view at http://www.hautefidelite-hifi.com/index.php/catalogue/120-hors-serie-n-2