Special Award 2016 by High Fidelity – Poland
Special Award 2016 by High Fidelity – Poland

Ayon Audio CD-35
The audio world is dangerously heading towards price absurdities. The more expensive a product is, the more people write about it. Some of these devices are really worth paying attention to and truly make us understand sound better, but most of them are just manufacturers’ attempts to earn a lot of money. Gerhard Hirt, the owner of Ayon Audio, has a different idea. He thinks that it is more important for as many people as possible to be able to buy a high-end product without ruining their family budget to the sixth generation. It is for them that he has prepared his new top class source – a player that has been ostentatiously called the CD-35, even though it also normally plays SACDs. Its secret lies in refined upsampling of PCM signal to DSD signal, the results of which have never been so good before. The device, which costs less than €10,000,can be freely placed next to players that are three times as expensive and it will not necessarily be the loser.