STEREO TIMES – CES 2001 – Show Report – Ayon 52B Mono – BEST SOUND AT SHOW!!
Finally, Best Sound at Show!
By: Clement Perry
The award had to go to two rooms, Halcro and Ayon / Lumen White. They were just too good for one to be judged against the other. The solid-state Halcros created the same sound I heard at Singapore Show. It was quite a relief to be able to prove to the guys that I wasn’t fantasizing. The Ayon / Lumen White room was a pleasant surprise. Here was a sound, all tube mind you, as good as it gets. Considering the room’s pinched dimensions, distributor and key setup man for Lumen White, provided gobs of space and depth to what would have proved to less skillful souls a near-impossible feat. No small credit go to the Ayon 52 monoblock SE amplifiers. This combination sang — time and phase coherency and freedom from electronic artifact combined to a stunning result. Our own Lou “Left Channel” Lanese has the amplifiers in-house for review and will give you his impressions soon. I am trying to get the Lumen White speakers for review. Stay tuned.