S-3, S-5 and NW-T Network-Player
A new firmware ( v8.0.17.28 ) for the S-3, S-5 and NW-T is available as download.
NOTE: Do not interrupt the power supply, internet connection or switching the input selector while the update download is active !
- mute line is active while startup and while audio in pause mode
- fixed module error when loading NetAPI
- merged latest mDNS code from trunk
- major update: merged all latest changes from trunk (nap, networking, upnp, sds, netapi)
- fixed various time calculation problems during >176kHz playback
- fixed sharp noise at track change or pausing/stopping FLAC176/24 and 192/24
- major NAPv3 code merge from SeDMP3
- latest BTB code with fixed text encoding conversion routines from SeDMP3
- merged latest RDMFS code from SeDMP3
- dynamic webserver resources loading – increased the amount of available ram
- binary search activated
- merged minor upnp stuff from trunk
- enabled optimizations in upnp
- exchanged device icons for listings in external control points and for Network view in Vista and Win7 to Ayon logo
- enhanced feature management for DSD functionality.
- support for the new coming Ayon Control apps
- support for FLAC192/24 with very high bitrates via Ethernet
- fixed audio dropouts on 1Gbit switches (Merged from Trunk 2903)