News, Events & Awards
Ayon-Audio-CD-3sx-Review_TAS-2016 Ayon CD-3sx 2016 Editors’ Choice Award 2016 Editors’ Choice Awards: Disc Players $2,000 – $10,000 by TAS Staff September 2, 2016 Categories: Disc players, Multi-format disc players Ayon Audio CD-3sx CD-player/DAC/Preamplifier The Class A vacuum-tube-based CD-3sx has the capability to serve as a CD player,…
READ MORESeptember 2016 & Magazine Best Audiophile Product of 2016 Blue Note Award Best Of 2016 Blue Note Equipment Awards Ayon Audio Crossfire EVO Monoblock Power Amplifier Price: €22,500 / pair with AA62B, €25,000 / pair with AA82B Ayon Audio Crossfire EVO Monoblock Power Amplifier “I have been using Ayon’s preamplifiers…
READ MOREIrvine, California (June 3-5, 2016) “Best of Show” – Cost No Object – Robert Harley Robert Harley – The Absolute Sound – Lumenwhite White Light 25 Anniversary Loudspeaker – “Best of Show” Robert Harley’s Best of Show Best Sound (cost no object) The newly introduced Lumen White White Light speaker from Switzerland ($70k) not…
READ MOREAugust 2015 SA Equipment World Premiere! Ayon Audio Crossfire EVO Monoblock Power AmplifierAyon Audio’s Crossfire Evo produces an amazingly rich, tuneful sound with tonal balance. Review By Wojciech Pacuła When we carried Ayon Audio’s Crossfire Evo monoblock amplifier for review to my apartment on the fourth floor, my mind…
READ MOREAyon Spheris III Linestage By Wojciech Pacula January 2015 No. 128 My memories from (I think) the first edition of High…
READ MOREAyon Spheris III High Fidelity’s BEST PRODUCT 2014 Award, Poland A preamplifier is a heart of a classic, analogue audio system. The final sonic effect relies a lot on how well this “heart” works. Many manufacturers don’t understand that, treating this element of the system lightly, often not realizing how different it…
READ MORE2013 Home Entertainment Show Newport Beach, CA By: James & Linda Darby Category 1 Price No Object Best Amplifiers Ayon Titons Maybe the best 100 watts per side we’ve ever heard. At a mind melting quarter million a pair, these had better sound incredible. They did. Cost no object, indeed.…
READ MOREApril 2013, Germany; awarded as Stereoplay REFERENCE Review quotes: English TranslationEnchanting. Tempting. Presenting the nature of the music absolutely to the point. The Ayon triode perfectly manages the rare mix of highest resolution and warmness, a fine presentation without the slightest harshness.Compared with the …….amplifier voices had more acoustic colour,…
READ MOREFebruary 2013 — France Read more . . .
READ MORELumen White Best Sound Award, Las Vegas 2013 U.S. audio webzine avshowrooms grants “best sound” and “gold show award” to the lumen white & ayon audio suite at t.h.e. show las vegas 2013.
READ MOREAyon Audio CD-5s The Absolute Sound Editors Choice Award 2011 This is a new-category product that combines a linestage, a transport, and a multiple-input, high-res DAC in a beautiful case. The sound is the most “analog-like” digital you may ever hear. Its 192kHz/24-bit, upsampling-switchable DAC reproduces instruments with extraordinary realism…
READ MOREThe Absolute Sound (USA) – The 2011 Editors’ Choice Award AYON Polaris III Preamplifier This full-function preamplifier’s highlights include outstanding three-dimensional imaging and endless layering coupled with no fatiguing, reference-quality transient delivery. Instruments seem to “pop up” from nowhere. The phonostage dazzles with liquidity and detail, plus it offers the…
READ MORET.H.E Show 2011 – Ayon Audio “Best Sound” STEREOMOJO SPECIAL DUAL REPORT (CES 2011 & T.H.E. Show 2011) by James Darby – Publisher THE REPORTS As always, please note that, despite what other publications may say, it is nigh impossible to do critical and accurate sound evaluations at shows like…
READ MORE2011 Editors Choice Awards, USA Click Here to read article
READ MORE2011 Editors Choice Awards, USA Click Here to read article
READ MOREAyon Audio CD-07 Granted The Best Product of 2010 Award
READ MOREBy: Wojciech Pacula 1 stycznia 2019 No 177 FIFTH YEARS OF “HIGH FIDELITY” AND WHAT DOES IT RESULT On May 1 this year, “High Fidelity” will hit fifteen years. Nothing, but something. At that time, the world has changed beyond recognition, technology has…
READ MOREBest Preamplifier!! – Image Hifi Award 2010, Germany
READ MORERemarkable, Natural, Three Dimensional Soundstage!
READ MORESkylla — High Fidelity Award: Best Product 2009, Poland Click here to see award
READ MOREIn still another first in the world review, our Publisher James L. Darby opined, “It has taken over two decades, but CD audio has come a long, long way. Faster processors and the development of better filters and knowledge of how to eliminate jitter and other digital artifacts has exploded.…
READ MOREPreamplifier of the Year 2009 — High Fidelity, Poland , October 2009 Click here to see award
READ MOREAyon Audio CD-2: Stereomojo Review & Award AYON CD-2 TUBE CD PLAYER Price: $5,499 Review by James L. Darby We walked into the huge Ayon demo room at an audio show some time ago and were visually blown away by the stunning tube audio gear carefully placed on several large…
READ MOREHifi Stars Award — 2009, Germany Gyrfalcon, CD-2, and Mercury Click here to see award
READ MOREOctober 10-12, 2008 Denver, CO Click here to read article
READ MOREBEST TUBE LINE Like most high-quality, high value tube components, we assumed Ayon was made in China. NAY! Ayon is designed and made in Austria! The moment we entered this huge room, our reaction was a unanimous “Wow!”. Charles Harrison, who imports the line for North America, did a magnificent job in emplementing…
READ MOREFIFTH YEARS OF “HIGH FIDELITY” AND WHAT DOES IT RESULT On May 1 this year, “High Fidelity” will hit fifteen years. Nothing, but something. At that time, the world has changed beyond recognition, technology has also changed, and we have changed. Also “High Fidelity”, the magazine you are reading at…
READ MOREReveiwer: Ken Micallef Financial Interests: Love Ayon Digital Source: Raysonic CD-168, Ayon CD-1 [in for review] Analog Source: Kuzma Stabi/Stogi turntable/arm combo, Denon DL-103 cartridge,Auditorium 23 Denon step-up transformer [on loan] Preamp: Shindo Allegro Amp: Shindo Haut Brion Speakers: DeVore Fidelity Nines Cables: Auditorium A23 speaker cables, Shindo interconnects, SilverFi interconnects [in for review] Stands: Salamander rack, 2″ Mapleshade platforms (8″…
READ MOREApril 2008 “Kühnsten Träumen einsteigen: Ayons Spheris-Duo sieht innen mindestens so gut aus wie außen, erfüllt locker auch anspruchsvollste Phono-Wünsche und legt die (Röhren-) Vorverstärker-Frage ad acta. Sauteuer, aber auch saugut! „
READ MOREHifi Review (Award) Hong Kong – Products of the year 2006 Ayon Spheris Click here to see award
READ MOREAyon Audio Seagull-C Loudspeaker Image Hifi 2006 Award In the category “Loudspeakers” the award goes to Ayon for the Seagull-C
READ MOREBy: Clement Perry The award had to go to two rooms, Halcro and Ayon / Lumen White. They were just too good for one to be judged against the other. The solid-state Halcros created the same sound I heard at Singapore Show. It was quite a…